1 day intensive training (up to 8 hours)
Appointment flexible agreed
Suitable for atrify customers
Comfortably online in front of your computer
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1 day intensive training (up to 8 hours)
Appointment flexible agreed
Suitable for atrify customers
Comfortably online in front of your computer
To get you started, our experts will explain the requirements that will apply to product images from February 2023. We then take a closer look at the status quo. We analyze your product images and the associated processes in detail and then give you a concrete recommendation for action that is suitable for your company. We explain to you which steps are necessary so that you can publish valid image information from now on. From this point of view, we will of course explain the specifications that are required, for example, when assigning the file name and selecting the image format, and that you must observe when creating new product images.
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