Final Release Notes for atrify Publishing & Approval 19.11
Release 19.11 is a fully functional release that brings some usability improvements and support for the Business Message Standard 3.1.10.
Improvements in the Item Editor
We've tackled a few key aspects of the core of our application - the item editor - to further simplify the user interface and allow you to focus more on your product content.
Cleaned and grouped action bar
There are many possible actions and buttons that are displayed in our Item Editor toolbar. We have tried to group these buttons in a meaningful way to get a clearer view of the actions.
Newly designed navigation and content functions
We have slightly revised some functions in the item editor. In detail, both the attribute finder and the mandatory field navigator have been moved to the left side, above the editor navigation, because these elements are also part of the navigation through the element.
Product image thumbnail and short information at the top
You will now find the relevant product image of your product above, combined with the most important information, consisting of the short description, the Trade Item Unit Descriptor and its GTIN.
Optimized alignment of UOMs and value fields
Values and the corresponding fields of the unit of measurement are now displayed next to each other and no longer below each other. Although this is a small improvement, it optimizes the visualization and makes it much easier to identify values and UOMs.