Release 19.06 – Final – Publishing & Approval & FMCG

by Jun 19, 2019Final Release Notes, Release Notes

Release 19.06 is a small functional release which will bring mainly a possibility to define which digital asset should be the primary one for a trade item.

Please find the highlights of the released summarized in the bullet points below.


Primary Asset Selection

Release 19.05 brought the thumbnails of your digital assets which have been linked to trade items to the trade item hit list. However, which of the linked digital assets has been displayed could not be handled by the user so far.

Release 19.06 now provides the possibility to select which digital asset should be the primary one for your trade item. Simply open your trade items in the trade item editor and navigate to the digital assets tab.

Below each asset you will now find a link labeled “Make primary” which will make the selected digital asset the primary one. Please be aware that only one digital asset can be marked as primary.

The primary digital asset is not only the one which is shown in the trade item hit list from now on, it will also be marked as primary digital asset within the CIN XML.