Web-based application for suppliers
up to 10 products
Publish to 1 country via GDSN
1 user
Annual license
Payment annually in advance
1 Details eingeben ❯ 2 Warenkorb überprüfen ❭ 3 Bestellungen abschließen
1 Enter Details ❯ 2 Review Shopping Cart ❭ 3 Complete Order
Web-based application for suppliers
up to 10 products
Publish to 1 country via GDSN
1 user
Annual license
Payment annually in advance
Web-based application for suppliers - Product information can be published using the GDSN standard.
Select 1 country from our country list and publish your articles to the data recipients of your choice.
Up to 10 articles, measured by the number of base items, can be published.
1 user.
1 year minimum contract period with automatic renewal for a further 12 months in each case, if not cancelled 60 days before the end of the respective contract year
Payment annually in advance.
When using one or more dealer portals, the data transfer from the portals to the data pool is free of charge.
*mandatory field