The atrify Team congratulates Manuel Commandeur on having successfully completed his apprenticeship

14 Sep 2020

We are delighted that three of our trainees have successfully completed their apprenticeship! In the following weeks we will report all three of them about their experiences in a mini-series.

Manuel recently successfully completed his training as an office management assistant by passing his final examination at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Three years ago he started his apprenticeship at atrify. We are very pleased that we can now employ Manuel in a permanent position in our Professional Services department after his training.
We would like to congratulate Manuel on completing his apprenticeship. We took the opportunity to review his training together with Manuel and asked him to describe his experiences of the last years in more detail.

Congratulations on passing the training, Manuel! How would you describe the experiences you gained during your training with us?
Manuel Commandeur (MC): I have had very good experiences during my training at atrify. I learned a lot in the last few years because I was able to get to know a lot of departments.
What did you like best about your training?
MC: What I liked best was that you were accepted by all colleagues right from the startde. You were directly part of the team. If you had any questions, you could always contact your colleagues. I also enjoyed working with our parent company GS1. Even if we were sometimes faced with challenges, we were always able to learn something from them.
How was your training structured?
MC: At the beginning of the training we received a framework plan from our instructor. The plan showed us trainees which departments we would be going through. The departments were: Marketing, Financial Accounting, Professional Services, Front Desk, HR and Administration & Sales. In addition, we had the unique opportunity to get to know our former American company location in Chicago. Another part of the training were joint projects with GS1.
How did you like the vocational school?
MC: I honestly didn't like the vocational school that much. I had the feeling that the school was a bit disorganized and the teachers were sometimes not well prepared.
What did your final exam consist of?
MC: The final exam consists of two parts. The written part focused on customer relationship processes and economic and social issues. Normally, the written examination is followed by the oral examination. However, due to the corona crisis, the written exams have been moved after the oral exam. For the oral exam I chose the report variant and wrote a report on a project from the company. This report wasde then presented to the examiners.
Did you feel that you were always sufficiently supported by the company during your training?
MC: Yes, definitely. I always had regular meetings with my trainer Corinna. You can always contact me if you need anything. And not just with Corinna, but also with the colleagues in the respective departments.
Is there someone in the company who has given you special support?
MC: I would like to thank all my colleagues, as everyone has supported me during my training. I am grateful for that and I am happy to be a part of atrify.

Click here for the second part of the Mini-Series!

Team atrify

Team atrify

Team atrify is all of us at atrify. We understand the problems manufacturers face in data management. Data optimization and internal system integration are our core competencies. We advise and implement the requirements for both commercial and regulatory use of the data in a system.

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