On September 13 and 14, we participated in ECR Day 2023 at Kap Europa in Frankfurt - THE industry event for retail and brands. At atrify, we can look back euphorically on this successful event. Now we would like to share the most important experiences and insights from our time at the show.
Networking and the exchange with our customers were in the spotlight for us. The ECR Day was a fantastic opportunity to exchange ideas and make valuable contacts in a relaxed atmosphere. Our team members on site made extensive use of this opportunity to deepen relationships with colleagues, customers and business partners.
ECR Day is more than just a trade show for us - it is a key part of our business. Our experience on site confirms this emphatically. The event has once again shown how important it is for our company.
What did we find particularly exciting? Well, our colleagues at the trade show highlighted several highlights, including inspiring presentations, exciting conversations with customers, and informative insights into the market.
In summary, we can say that the ECR Day 2023 was a great success for atrify. We would like to thank our colleagues on site and all visitors. The knowledge gained will help us to improve further. Stay tuned for the upcoming developments of atrify!