Primed Halberstadt Customer Success Story (EN)

In the future, all products must be registered in the EUDAMED database according to the EU MDR Directive. Due to many new regulations it is difficult to get a comprehensive overview of the complex requirements and to register the products in a compliant way

PRIMED Halberstadt has taken up this challenge and has found the most time- and cost-efficient way to create the products reproducibly with atrify to register them in EUDAMED.

Rebekka Eisenacher

Januar 11, 2023

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Rebekka Eisenacher

Rebekka Eisenacher

Seit September 2021 unterstützt Rebekka die atrify Healthcare Unit als Marketing Managerin. Sie ist verantwotlich für Kampagnen, Events und Content rund um das Thema Healthcare.

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