GS1 Norway empfiehlt atrify’s UDI Solution für die EUDAMED Registrierung

13 Jun 2022

Even if the mandatory registration of medical devices in EUDAMED still seems a long way off until 2023, many experts recommend already dealing with the complex requirements now and start testing and registering in time.

GS1 Norway officially recommends using the atrify UDI Solution since registration via the EUDAMED portal itself can often be difficult and complicated.

The atrify UDI Solution supports medical device manufacturers to register their products quickly, easily and compliantly in EUDAMED. No matter whether via M2M,  the manual user interface or with the Excel Bulk Upload. 

Start with the UDI registration in Eudamed now and get free advice from our experts.

Read more about GS1 Norway’s recommendation for an easy EUDAMED registration.

Click here for more information about registering your data in EUDAMED with atrify’s UDI Solution.

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